okładka The Island of Shadows ebook | epub, mobi | Fred M. White

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The Island of Shadows Fred M. White ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

Tom Armstrong, commonly known by the common name of Captain Armstrong, could boast the amount of knowledge that he had or the discoveries he made. However, he is already 5 years retired. Armstrong’s companion, named Harold Coventry, was a young man of about six-and-twenty years. Like his companion, the sea was his passion, and although he was not a very wealthy man, he managed to explore every sea. Old friends decided to get together again and go on adventures, but this time they are waiting for a very mysterious island.

„The Island of Shadows”, Fred M. White – jak czytać ebook?

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The Island of Shadows

The Island of Shadows

Fred M. White,

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