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The Thing That Walked in the Rain Otis Adelbert Kline ebook

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Those readers who had been charmed by Otis Adelbert Kline’s swashbuckling sci-fi adventures would not have long to wait before they were treated to that novel’s follow-up thrill ride. „The Thing That Walked in the Rain” provides another interplanetary adventure. Considered by many to be the only true equal of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Otis Adelbert Kline was a master of the sword and planet genre. From his position on the original editorial staff of Weird Tales and as the literary agent for Conan creator Robert E. Howard, Kline helped shape the face of science fiction as we know it. Kline represented Howard from the Spring of 1933 until Howard’s death in June 1936, and continued to act as literary agent for Howard’s estate thereafter. This one is doing all of those things you expect and want a classic pulp sci-fi to do, not the least of which being to put a smile on your face.

„The Thing That Walked in the Rain”, Otis Adelbert Kline – jak czytać ebook?

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The Thing That Walked in the Rain

The Thing That Walked in the Rain

Otis Adelbert Kline,

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