okładka The Curved Blades ebook | epub, mobi | Carolyn Wells

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The Curved Blades Carolyn Wells ebook

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Opis treści

If you like Agatha Christie, or Henry James, or simply search for an author whose writing and characters you’ll enjoy, look no farther than Wells’ Fleming Stone Mysteries. In this one, wealthy but ornery heiress Lucy Carrington is found dead in her home following a spat with her niece, one of the two heirs to her fortune. With police baffled, master criminologist Fleming Stone is called in. But in a romantic twist, the great detective loses his heart to the primary suspect. Will she reciprocate? Will he get to close to her to solve the mystery of... The Curved Blades? Will emotion blind him to the facts in this case? Curl up with this classic cozy whodunit from Carolyn Wells, author of „The Clue”.

„The Curved Blades”, Carolyn Wells – jak czytać ebook?

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The Curved Blades

The Curved Blades

Carolyn Wells,

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