Learn a use-case approach for developing Java enterprise applications in a continuously test-driven fashion. With this hands-on guide, authors and JBoss project leaders Andrew Lee Rubinger and Aslak Knutsen show you how to build high-level components, from persistent storage to the user interface, using the Arquillian testing platform and several other JBoss projects and tools.

Through the course of the book, you...ll build a production-ready software conference tracker called GeekSeek, using source code from GitHub. Rubinger and Knutsen demonstrate why testing is the very foundation of development-essential for ensuring that code is consumable, complete, and correct.

  • Bootstrap an elementary Java EE project from start to finish before diving into the full-example application, GeekSeek
  • Use both relational and NoSQL storage models to build and test GeekSeek...s data persistence layers
  • Tackle testable business logic development and asynchronous messaging with an SMTP service
  • Expose enterprise services as a RESTful interface, using Java EE...s JAX-RS framework
  • Implement OAuth authentication with JBoss...s PicketLink identity management service
  • Validate the UI by automating interaction in the browser and reading the rendered page
  • Perform full-scale integration testing on the final deployable archive