okładka The Shadow over Innsmouth ebook | epub, mobi | H. P. Lovecraft

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The Shadow over Innsmouth H. P. Lovecraft ebook


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Opis treści

„The Shadow Over Innsmouth” follows a nameless narrator touring New England for information on his family, and studying the local architecture. The story describes a man who finds himself stranded in a half-deserted town with strange inhabitants. They look human – mostly, but there is something odd about their eyes and their behavior. He meets the town drunk, Zadok Allen, who tells him the terrifying history of the town, about Devil Reef and mutant humanoids, sea gods, gold, and human sacrifice. When the narrator finds himself stranded in town overnight, he comes face to face with the town’s horrifying secret... one not of this world... A story about the horror that could turn to wonder, the once perceived abyss is afterwards seen as the most fascinating destiny, and what was at first avoided at all costs is eventually embraced with open arms.

„The Shadow over Innsmouth”, H. P. Lovecraft – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka The Shadow over Innsmouth

O autorze

H. P. Lovecraft

H. P. Lovecraft, a właściwie Howard Philips Lovecraft, był amerykańskim pisarzem, słynnym twórcą opowieści grozy z gatunku tzw. weird fiction oraz fantasy, a także mitologii Cthulhu. Uważany...

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The Shadow over Innsmouth

The Shadow over Innsmouth

H. P. Lovecraft,

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