Autor: Kari Kilgore

Znaleziono: 14 e-booków
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  • od 16.99 zł Brak ofert
    Meet Beth Azen, Elenda Murphy, and Mary Robbins. Three women not that different from any other. From mountains to city, single to widowed. Struggling with ghosts and family heritage. Facing hopes and fears of the future. Ordinary lives. Ordinary... (więcej)
  • od 11.31 zł Brak ofert
    Virginia Evans and her best friend Maggie grew up together. From shy girl and wriggly puppy to confident woman and gentle old soul. Now Maggie must go where Virginia can’t follow. Unless a strange visitor holds the key. A touching tale of... (więcej)
  • od 11.31 zł Brak ofert
    Angela Garcia builds websites to help make other people’s dreams come true.  Now one of her childhood dreams waits, ready to come to life. Sometimes procrastination feels like the safest choice.  And sometimes your intentions make all the... (więcej)
  • od 11.31 zł Brak ofert
    Looking for humans? Just look for the garbage. From bones to plastic to dead electronics, people rarely manage to clean up after themselves.  Humanity takes a long time to learn how to manage limited resources, too. The rare and precious get lost... (więcej)
  • od 13.21 zł Brak ofert
    Hartstown, Virginia, holds stunning natural beauty and a close-knit mountain community. Deep in the heart of Appalachian coal country, Hartstown also suffers more than its fair share of tragedy. Beth Azen discovers a strange ability that leads her... (więcej)
  • od 13.21 zł Brak ofert
    Elenda Murphy needs change like she needs oxygen. Constant motion. Extreme adventure. Anything but standing still. Her heart always as restless as her mind. Then a shattered leg sends Elenda back to the bedrock of family. An enchanting tale of... (więcej)
  • od 16.99 zł Brak ofert
    In the glittering, steam-driven high society of Waldron’s Gate, no one needs to dream. Karl Gilmore spends his days caring for people with broken minds. The Dream Thief fulfills twisted fantasies. The seductive lure of irresistible power... (więcej)
  • od 13.21 zł Brak ofert
    Earth Wars veteran Jim Turhan loves his quiet life on supply planet Mossera 4, teaching young cadets the art and science of xeno-farming. Pollinator drones never sting or bite. They simply do their jobs. Then crops all over Mossera 4 begin to... (więcej)
  • od 16.99 zł Brak ofert
    Leo Sabov never imagined a day without his beloved wife Maria. Now he faces the rest of his life alone. After bringing Maria to rest in her native Transylvania, Leo only wants to escape the rumors and superstitions taking over the tiny mountain... (więcej)
  • od 9.42 zł Brak ofert
    Bob Henderson despises the modern world. Talking elevators. Automated cars. Smart phones that track every move, mood, and thought. The day his office building grows security cameras in the halls, Bob realizes the modern world might despise him right... (więcej)
  • od 13.21 zł Brak ofert
    Bitan, the most valuable commodity in the human universe, only comes from one planet. And that planet has a problem. The TransGalactic Corporation sends Luis Ahmad, Chief Psych Officer, on a desperate mission to save the human colony on... (więcej)
  • od 13.21 zł Brak ofert
    A ghost train carries a murderous secret deep through the North Georgia mountains. Betrayal colder than the wind blowing through the pines.   A young girl with a burden a hundred years out of time.  An old man's tale of guilt and regret.  A... (więcej)
  • od 16.99 zł Brak ofert
    The Storm Begins. Seeing the future: blessing or curse? For Anne Fincastle, only the number of surivors changes. Few or none. Anne knows the truth. In her heart, her mind, her bones. Only Evan Griffith believes. Can they make a difference for... (więcej)
  • od 11.31 zł Brak ofert
    Katie fell in love with Pashmina at first sight.  Luminous green eyes. Silken black fur. A purr like a belly full of bumblebees.  Pashmina, of course, knows which humans to trust. She shows her trust like all cats. With offerings from her... (więcej)

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