Autor: Mike Street

Znaleziono: 2 e-booków
Sortuj: alfabetyczniewg cenywg liczby ofert

  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 149.00 zobacz oferty z 2 księgarni - premiera: 2017-12-27
    Learn the fundamentals of vue.js by creating complex SPAs with Vuex, vue-router and moreAbout This BookWe bridge the gap between "learning" and "doing" by providing real-world examples that will improve your web development skills with Vue.jsExplore... (więcej)
  • od 202.03 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2018-12-24
    Become a pro in creating modern interactive web applications using this JavaScript framework Key Features Explore the exciting features of Vue.js 2 through interesting examples and practical recipes Craft highly modular applications using design... (więcej)

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