Autor: A.G. Macdonell

Znaleziono: 2 e-booków
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  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 7 księgarni - premiera: 2020-03-03
    An amusing thriller by A.G. Macdonell, one of six mysteries he wrote under the pseudonym Neil Gordon. Macdonell is best known for the gently satirical novel „England, Their England”, which appeared the same year as „The Shakespeare... (więcej)
  • od 3.99 zł Brak ofert
    Macdonell became famous with the publication of England, Their England. The book gained considerable critical and popular acclaim, and won the James Tait Black Award. It is regarded as one of the classics of English humour and is much-loved by... (więcej)

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