Autor: Ervin Howard Robert

Znaleziono: 179 e-booków
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  • The desert shimmered in the heat waves. Conan the Cimmerian stared out over the aching desolation and involuntarily drew the back of his powerful hand over his blackened lips. He stood like a bronze image in the sand, apparently impervious to the... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    The stories are humorously written as if told by Breckinridge Elkins, a hillbilly with no schooling. He and his kin live in the Humboldts in Nevada. Elkins is six feet six inches tall, is as strong as a grizzly bear. He can be just as bad tempered... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    Good collection of stories. Black Canaan is a favorite of mine. I have some doubts that REH would have finished „The House” with the suicide of John Conrad, but it is a Lovecraftian ending (Augest Derleth finished the REH fragment in this... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    A powerful wizard named Thugra Khotan is awoken from his three-thousand year sleep by an audacious yet unlucky Zamoran thief named Shevatas. Thugra wakes with dreams of world domination. He assumes the name Natohk, the Veiled One, gathers an army... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    Some such thoughts flitted vaguely through my mind that night as I groped along the narrow trail that wound through the deep pinelands. Such thoughts are likely to keep company with any man who dares invade, in the night, that lonely stretch of... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni
    Pulp adventure, seemingly a bit crude and dashed off quickly, but good storytelling none the less. Pirates and lost cities – a bit of ’Pirates of the Caribbean’ and ’Indiana Jones’ rolled into one, but also with echoes of one of... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    In „Black Wind Blowing”, Howard lays it on so thick I half suspected he was trying to do a spoof on the genre. But then, his normal storytelling was always full of bizarre images, hyperactive violence and heavy use of adjectives so this story... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    ”I have known many gods. He who denies them is as blind as he who trusts them too deeply. I seek not beyond death. It may be the blackness averred by the Nemedian skeptics, or Crom’s realm of ice and cloud, or the snowy plains and vaulted... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    San Leon lay as if slumbering in the desert heat as the five brothers rode up to the doors of the Cattlemen’s Bank. None noted their coming; the Red Lode saloon, favorite rendezvous for the masculine element of San Leon, stood at the other end... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    Professor John Kirowan is a fictional character from Robert E. Howard’s contributions to H.P. Lovecraft’s story cycle „the Cthulhu Mythos”. Kirowan is often partnered with the character John Conrad, to the extent that these stories are... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    Drums of Sunset was published in eight parts. Steve and Hard Luck, his newfound companion (or is he? The curious should check those back issues linked above!), are hot on the trail of a host of criminals ranging from ‘Navajoes’ to a ring of... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    Harrison is a brawny police detective who patrols the unquiet slums and dives of River Street, in an unnamed port city where the sun never shines. But REH’s stories were far-removed from the „mean streets” of Hammett’s and Raymond... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    The castles of the Twelfth Century, fortresses rather than mere dwellings, were built for defense, not comfort. The hall through which the drunken band was hallooing was broad, lofty, windy, strewn with rushes, now but faintly lighted by the dying... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    Despite an aversion to the detective formula, he wrote the tales in Graveyard Rats during the same years he chronicled the adventures of Conan. This collection features a new introduction by scholar Don Herron, editor of „The Dark Barbarian,”... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    This early work by Robert E. Howard was originally published. ’Hawk of the Hills’ is a story in the El Borak series where El Borak leads a tribe to war in Afganistan. I recommend this... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    Hawks of Outremer is a tight tale. The main character is Cormac FitzGeoffrey, a bastard Norman-Gael who has thrown his lot in with the Crusaders. Once a loose peace was established in Outremer, Cormac returned to Ireland but after a short stint... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    The immortal legacy of Robert E. Howard, creator of Conan the Cimmerian, continues with this latest compendium of Howard’s fiction and poetry. He will always be best remembered for his sword and sorcery tales but his work was extraordinarily... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    Shadows in the Moonlight is one of the original short stories starring the fictional sword and sorcery hero Conan the Cimmerian, written author Robert E. Howard and first published in Weird Tales magazine in April 1934. Howard originally named his... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    The dagger flashed downward. A sharp cry broke in a gasp. The form on the rough altar twitched convulsively and lay still. The jagged flint edge sawed at the crimsoned breast, and thin bony fingers, ghastly dyed, tore out the still- twitching... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    The Turks, cruelly lead by the scurrilous Bayazid, crushingly defeat a bunch of European Christians who were invading so as to steal land from the Turks, or something. But one of the Europeans, a Scott, Donald MacDeesa escapes with his life and... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    Three unsolved murders in a week are not so unusual--for River Street, grunted Steve Harrison, shifting his muscular bulk restlessly in his chair. His companion lighted a cigarette and Harrison observed that her slim hand was none too steady. She... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    Pigeons from Hell is a short story by Robert E. Howard written in late 1934 and published posthumously by Weird Tales in 1938. The story title derives from an image present in many of Howard’s grandmother’s ghost stories, that of an old... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    Hoofs drummed down the street that sloped to the wharfs. The folk that yelled and scattered had only a fleeting glimpse of a mailed figure on a black stallion, a wide scarlet cloak flowing out on the wind. Far up the street came the shout and... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    The singing of the swords was a deathly clamor in the brain of Godric de Villehard. Blood and sweat veiled his eyes and in the instant of blindness he felt a keen point pierce a joint of his hauberk and sting deep into his ribs. Smiting blindly,... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni - premiera: 2019-10-09
    The moonlight shimmered hazily, making silvery mists of illusion among the shadowy trees. A faint breeze whispered down the valley, bearing a shadow that was not of the moon-mist. A faint scent of smoke was apparent. The man whose long, swinging... (więcej)

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