Autor: Hal Standish

Znaleziono: 3 e-booków
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  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni
    Standish was an American author of kopeck novels, adventure stories and abstinence novels. He wrote about 60 titles in the Fred Fearnot series, many of which were published in Work and Win and Pluck and Luck. Fred Fearnot’s New Ranch is a novel... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni
    The main character makes adventures around the world. During the adventure, he investigates the killings. Fred usually travels not alone, but with his brother. Despite his modesty, he has a unique intelligence. Fred was an outstanding athlete and... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 9.90 zobacz oferty z 8 księgarni
    Fred usually travels. Returning from the West, where Fred Firno rescued Terry Olcott from a group of pastoralists who were going to lynch him by mistake, he found letters from the manager of his small investments in Dedham Lake that gave him a bit... (więcej)

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