Autor: aristophanes,ad32511

Znaleziono: 16 e-booków
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  • od 11.77zobacz oferty z 6 księgarni - premiera: 2024-04-01
    This bold statement by Euripides is an absurd premise on which the whole game depends. Women are outraged by the image of the female as crazy, murderous and sexually depraved, and they use the Thesmophoria festival as an opportunity to discuss a... (więcej)
  • od 11.77zobacz oferty z 6 księgarni - premiera: 2024-04-01
    Aristophanes, nicknamed the „father of comedy”, wrote in a different way than the first tragedies. He was troubled by everyday problems, rarely associated with the past. Gods also rarely appeared in his works, like the heroes of antiquity: the... (więcej)
  • od 11.77zobacz oferty z 6 księgarni - premiera: 2024-04-01
    Knighs are not just equestrians: the whole estate was called in Athens – those who had enough money to keep a war horse. These were wealthy people, had small estates outside the city, lived on their income, and wanted Athens to be a peaceful,... (więcej)
  • od 11.77zobacz oferty z 6 księgarni - premiera: 2024-04-01
    Old Philokleon was so addicted to attending court hearings that his son Bdelikleon locked him in the house and stretched a net around the house. He wants to ensure a quiet life for his father, but Philokleon does not at all want peace. He’s a... (więcej)
  • od 11.77zobacz oferty z 6 księgarni - premiera: 2024-04-01
    The game begins with Praxagora leaving the house on the Athenian street before dawn. She wears a fake beard and men’s clothes, and she carries a cane and a lit lamp. A chorus of Athenian women enter one on one, all dressed in a similar costume. In... (więcej)
  • od 11.77zobacz oferty z 6 księgarni - premiera: 2024-04-01
    This is a comedy of the ancient Greek comedian Aristophanes. First introduced in 408 BC e., was later redesigned and put on the scene in 388 BC. e. in a contest with four more poets. Competition results are unknown. Put on stage for the second time,... (więcej)
  • od 11.77zobacz oferty z 6 księgarni - premiera: 2024-04-01
    Pisfeter manages to convince the birds that their mission is to rule the world. According to his idea, the bird city of Tucekukuyshchyna is being built between heaven and earth; birds give wings to Pisfeter and Evelpid, Pisfeter becomes the ruler of... (więcej)
  • od 11.77zobacz oferty z 6 księgarni - premiera: 2024-04-01
    This is the comedy of the ancient Greek comedian Aristophanes, the earliest of his plays that have survived to this day. Together with „Mir” and „Lysistrata” refers to the „anti-war” comedies of the author. It refers to a citizen who was... (więcej)
  • od 11.77zobacz oferty z 6 księgarni - premiera: 2024-04-01
    Aristophanes is revered as the „father of comedy.” He wrote over forty works, of which eleven reached us. Centuries have passed, but the comedies of Aristophanes continue to live. The political events that Aristophanes criticized in his works... (więcej)
  • od 11.77zobacz oferty z 6 księgarni - premiera: 2024-04-01
    A woman named Lysistrata, determined to stop the senseless war, gathers women from all over Greece in the square in front of the Acropolis of Athens. She offers them „until the men make peace – do not sleep with them, do not give them, do not... (więcej)
  • od 11.77zobacz oferty z 6 księgarni - premiera: 2024-04-01
    An elderly wine grower Trigay, tired of the war and strife between the Greek cities, on a giant dung beetle goes to heaven to talk with Zeus. Arriving there, Trigay learns from Hermes that Zeus and the other gods are away, and instead of them,... (więcej)
  • od 11.77zobacz oferty z 6 księgarni - premiera: 2024-04-01
    The old farmer Strepsiad is in debt because of his son Fidippida, squandering money for equestrian sports. Strepsiad seeks help from a neighbor – the sage of Socrates; Having come to the „thought room”, where Socrates teaches young people,... (więcej)
  • od 1.99 zł Brak ofert
    Klasyka na e-czytnik to kolekcja lektur szkolnych, klasyki literatury polskiej, europejskiej i amerykańskiej w formatach ePub i Mobi. Również miłośnicy filozofii, historii i literatury staropolskiej znajdą w niej wiele ciekawych... (więcej)
  • od 1.99 zł Brak ofert
    Klasyka na e-czytnik to kolekcja lektur szkolnych, klasyki literatury polskiej, europejskiej i amerykańskiej w formatach ePub i Mobi. Również miłośnicy filozofii, historii i literatury staropolskiej znajdą w niej wiele ciekawych... (więcej)
  • od 1.99 zł Brak ofert
    Klasyka na e-czytnik to kolekcja lektur szkolnych, klasyki literatury polskiej, europejskiej i amerykańskiej w formatach ePub i Mobi. Również miłośnicy filozofii, historii i literatury staropolskiej znajdą w niej wiele ciekawych... (więcej)

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