This book is based on a scientific research that aims at explaining the way how to acquire a second language in lieu of learning it, which will make the process of speaking any new language easier, more efficient, and way faster. The book will guide you through the process of language acquisition, and you will be introduced to a totally new methodology in second language learning. It also, will explain to you the way how your subconscious mind acquired your first language when you were a baby, assisted by the Automatic Cognition Device, and then guide you on how to activate the Automatic Cognition Device again to acquire a new one. The Automatic Cognition Device, is controlled by our subconscious mind, where processes are performed almost effortlessly and in a flawless perfection. The book also describes the relationship between language resources and our brain receptors; explaining how similar it is to the relationship between a Sunflower and the Sun, in nature. The book is part of the Linguistic Sunflower Project, which consists of two main parts, the book, and the Linguistic Sunflower Mobile Application. This book will mainly introduce you to the behavioral adaptation concept found in Psychology; explaining to you the way how can you activate the automatic cognition device in your brain once again to acquire a new language, like what you have -unconsciously- done when you were a baby and had been acquiring your first language. Then the Mobile Application will step in to allow you to experience the concept in a real-life - interactive experience; where you will be required to take care of the Linguistic Sunflower by feeding it with words on daily basis in order to grow. The benefits of such a behavior and many other secrets of the -Automatic Cognition Device- are revealed in this book. The Mobile Application will be released by January 2018. So stay tuned for the upcoming daily dose of an unprecedented, joyful, and unique experience of language learning.