Levi Williams is one who is surely not afraid when it comes to exposing corrupt and deceptive politicians, CEO's, presidents, actors, musicians, Hollywood producers, and media conglomerates for who they really are. Within the pages of this informative and thought provoking book, Levi Williams reveals exactly how much power the New World Order has over the global population, and how they are using politicians, the media, and the Hollywood entertainment industry to brain wash the global population to further their agenda. One might think that the information that Levi Williams has documented within the pages of this book is scary, and at times a little hard to believe, but at the same time, they are things that people need to be aware of because they are dead on accurate!In addition, one can find videos pertaining to the New World Order at https://newworldorder13.wixsite.com/home with a link to his YouTube channel, which is free to everyone.