Nowadays, the world is crowded with online dating experts, people who are very quick to jump out of their chairs and point out "You say WHAT in your profile? Of course you're not going to meet anyone presenting yourself like that!". So, we could either try to compete and one-up them all, presenting an amazing cover art designed by a leading expert on the Loch Ness Monster, along with a ton of idealistic pieces of advice nobody ever manages to follow in order to truly meet the love of their lives, and then sell it for US$33 (or US$1000, for the hard cover edition signed by the author)... or we could write this book! It is probably one of the worst books you'll ever read. We assume it provides absolutely nothing that will profit your life, and chances are that you'll actually lose knowledge you already had by the time you reach the end of the sixth chapter. If we were you, we'd run away from it and never look back, as we ourselves are unsure on why we wrote it. Consider yourself warned.