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  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    There’s a revolution brewing across the nation--a movement that’s changing lives and revealing little known paths to passion and prosperity.  It’s about building a great living around what you love to do most. Once you’ve been touched by... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    You have a new venture in mind. And you've crafted a business plan so detailed it's a work of art. Don't get too attached to it. As John Mullins and Randy Komisar explain in Getting to Plan B, new businesses are fraught with uncertainty. To... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    This book summary is created for individuals who want to flesh out the important contents and are too busy to go through the entire book. This book is not intended to replace the original book. Ever felt like you have to constantly tidy up just to... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    “This excellent book is a must-read for current and aspiring entrepreneurs.” —Booklist Discover how to turn a great idea into a thriving business with The E-Myth Enterprise, using the proven methods that bestselling author Michael E. Gerber... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    A timeless approach to investing wisely over an investment lifetime With the current market maelstrom as a background, this timely guide describes just how to plan a lifetime of investing, in good times and bad, discussing stocks and bonds as well... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    A "THINK DIFFERENT" APPROACH TO INNOVATION-- Based on the Seven Guiding Principles of Apple CEO Steve Jobs In his acclaimed bestseller The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs author Carmine Gallo laid out a simple step-by-step program of powerful... (więcej)
  • PCC
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    The book that completes Positioning . . . Thirty years ago, Jack Trout and Al Ries published their classic bestseller, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind―a book that revolutionized the world of marketing. But times have changed. Competition... (więcej)
  • PCC
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    The #1 New York Times bestseller from world-renowned advice expert teaches everyday people how to share their story and wisdom with the world and build a lucrative business doing so. In this game-changing book by Brendon Burchard, founder of... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    Simple, powerful marketing strategies every business can afford to implement There's never been a better time to be a marketer or entrepreneur than right now. Thanks to the Internet, a new world of free and inexpensive tactics can help get the word... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    GOODBYE DEBT—HELLO FREEDOM!   Most of us grew up with the idea that there is good debt and there is bad debt.   Good debts are generally considered to be debts you incur to buy things that can go up in value—like a home or college... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    Respected former CEO, professor, and speaker examines what it takes to become a values-based leader In this highly-anticipated book, Harry Kraemer argues that today's business environment demands values-based leaders who, in "doing the right thing,"... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    A Fast Company blogger and former McKinsey consultantprofiles the next generation business strategists: the"Outthinkers" "Outthinkers" are entrepreneurs and corporate leaders with a newplaybook. They see opportunities others ignore, challenge... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    Build better relationships and Sell More Effectively With a Powerful SALES STORY “Throughout our careers, we have been trained to ask diagnostic questions, deliver value props, and conduct ROI studies. It usually doesn’t work; best case, we can... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    Ten years of research uncover the secret source of growth and profit … Those who center their business on improving people’s lives have a growth rate triple that of competitors and outperform the market by a huge margin. They dominate their... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    The challenges facing today's sales executives and their organizations continue to grow, but so do the expectations that they will find ways to overcome them and drive consistent sales growth. There are no simple solutions to this situation, but in... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    In this eye-opening account, Cal Newport debunks the long-held belief that "follow your passion" is good advice.  Not only is the cliché flawed-preexisting passions are rare and have little to do with how most people end up loving their work-but... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    The New York Times bestseller that explains why certain products and ideas become popular. “Jonah Berger knows more about what makes information ‘go viral’ than anyone in the world” (Daniel Gilbert, author of the bestseller Stumbling on... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    Time is not money. Time is more important than money. Today's customers are overwhelmed, overworked, and overstressed, and it seems that everyone--from CEOs to soccer moms--is short on time and inundated with information. As a result, despite the... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    We’ve been conditioned to think about creative genius as a dichotomy: dreamers versus doers, creativity versus discipline, the spark versus the grind.  But what if we’re wrong?  What if it’s the spark and the grind?  We love people... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    Entrepreneurs often suffer from ”superhero syndrome”—the misconception that to be successful, they must do everything themselves. Not only are they the boss, but also the salesperson, HR manager, copywriter, operations manager, online... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    Master Your Goals, Improve Your Life, or Overcome a Major Obstacle -- One Small Habit at a Time Imagine what life would be like if you started every morning with small actions that created a chain reaction of positive benefits throughout your... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    Customers Rule! The high-tech honeymoon is over and customers are choosing the winners today — and it doesn't matter to them whether those businesses operate out of a storefront or reach them through a computer screen. Any company that's still... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    Why do some people achieve all their goals while others simply dream of having a better life? Bestselling author Brian Tracy shows that the path from frustration to fulfillment has already been discovered. Hundreds of thousands—even millions—of... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    Today, business success demands sustained peak performance- and that requires self-motivated, enthusiastic employees. How can you keep your team consistently at the top of their game? This powerful book begins with fresh insights from a fable about... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    WARNING: Do Not Read This Book If You Hate Money To build a successful business, you need to stop doing random acts of marketing and start following a reliable plan for rapid business growth. Traditionally, creating a marketing plan has been a... (więcej)

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