roberts - wyniki wyszukiwania

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  •   Brak ofert
    Jade Roberts oddała Talonowi swoje serce i jest zdeterminowana, by pomóc mu uporać się z demonami przeszłości. Prowadzi dochodzenie w sprawie Steelów i nieświadomie przyciąga niebezpiecznych wrogów z ich owianej tajemnicą... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    Jade Roberts jest już pewna, że Talon Steel to ten mężczyzna, na którego zawsze czekała. Ufa mu, mimo że wciąż nie poznała jego mrocznej przeszłości. Śledztwo dotyczące Steelów odsłania przed nią kolejne tajemnicze wątki. Czy w... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    This ninth volume of the year’s best science fiction and fantasy features thirty stories by some of the genre’s greatest authors, including Charlie Jane Anders, Steven Barnes, Seth Dickinson, Kameron Hurley, Rich Larson, Ian R. MacLeod, Paul... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    Harry Beckwith is the author of Selling the Invisible and The Invisible Touch, both marketing classics. Now he applies his unparalleled clarity, insight, humor, and expertise to a new age of mass communication and mass confusion. What Clients Love... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    A sexy aristocrat. A wild-child inner city cop. A crime wave of passion.    Feisty London street cop Shannon Aguerri walks a dangerous line between her methods and justice. After one-too-many maverick missions the bosses lose their nerve. When... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    A Mafia conspiracy. A female undercover cop. A honed and fit suspect - international boxer and billionaire playboy, Freddie La Salle. Interpol cop, Anna Leyton, spirals down into a hopeless vortex of sexual and emotional turmoil as she fights to... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    Today everyone--whether they know it or not--is in the emotional transportation business.  More and more, success is won by creating compelling stories that have the power to move partners, shareholders, customers, and employees to action.  Simply... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    Kaitlyn's hot, strong and honest - just the way that sexy Randolph Quinn would love his girl, if he could find her. He's a billionaire in trouble. She's the cop on his case and he'll only surrender to love. A juicy mix of cops, crime and passion in... (więcej)

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