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  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 80.73 zobacz oferty z 2 księgarni - premiera: 2015-06-17
    Real critique has become a lost skill among collaborative teams today. Critique is intended to help teams strengthen their designs, products, and services, rather than be used to assert authority or push agendas under the guise of "feedback." In... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 101.15 zobacz oferty z 2 księgarni - premiera: 2011-11-03
    As programmers, all seen source code that...s so ugly and buggy it makes our brain ache. Over the past five years, authors Dustin Boswell and Trevor Foucher have analyzed hundreds of examples of "bad code" (much of it their own) to determine... (więcej)
  • od 189.00zobacz oferty z 2 księgarni - premiera: 2005-11-16
    Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 is a dynamic web publishing system with which you can build websites quickly and cost-efficiently. MCMS provides the administration, authoring, and data management functionality, and you provide the website... (więcej)
  • od 9.90zobacz oferty z 1 księgarni - premiera: 2020-03-10
    American writer Edith Wharton is known for her novels of manners set in old New York; yet much of her adult life was spent in France. She lived in Paris throughout World War I and was heavily involved in refugee work. She was a hugely successful... (więcej)
  • About the Book: “When society fails you, it’s up to you to take the fight back to them”-Joyraj This was my very concept when I started this project so what? In March 2020 and I can’t believe that it took me almost a year to complete this... (więcej)
  • dziś najtaniej - od 3.95 zobacz oferty z 1 księgarni
    According to Wikipedia: "Hans Christian Andersen ... (April 2, 1805 – August 4, 1875) was a Danish author and poet, most famous for his fairy tales. Among his best-known stories are "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The Little... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    There are 162,042,117,562 websites on the internet. Of these 161,983,424,031 can certainly be considered strange. But there are far fewer that are truly weird and even fewer that are what-on-earth-is-that-all-about-weird. This book brings together... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    Biblia skutecznego tenisa, słynna Winning Ugly nareszcie po polsku! W Sztuce wygrywania w tenisie Brad Gilbert, niegdyś jeden z czołowych tenisistów świata, medalista olimpijski z Seulu, a obecnie jeden z najbardziej cenionych ekspertów... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    Nie, nie jestem bez winy, ale zanim mnie osądzisz, pozwól, że coś Ci powiem. Pomyśl o mężczyźnie, którego kochasz. A teraz wyobraź sobie, że go tracisz. Ktoś wyszarpał, wydarł ukochanego z Twojego życia i zostawił pustkę. ... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    „Zakochałam się w tej serii od pierwszego zdania i z każdą stroną moja miłość stawała się coraz większa”.COLLEEN HOOVER, autorka „Ugly Love”Wiesz dobrze, że nie da się żyć bez ponoszenia konsekwencji własnych decyzji, tak... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    THE CHALLENGE OF LIVING LIFE AS BOTH A BIPOLAR AND AN ALCOHOLIC.Jane S. is one of the 60-percent (or more) of "manic depressives" (persons severely bipolar) who are also alcoholics. Her bipolar life story covers forty-seven years of sobriety and... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    New voices bring new ideas and new worlds to you in these six short stories of Science Fiction/Fantasy. That's what they are good at. Figuring out things that are completely different from the same old repeating plots and characters. Finding new... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    *This book is incredibly long and contains the free short story of Simon* The next instalment of L.J. Diva’s Porn Star Brothers Series continues in Stefan: The New Generation… Thirty years has passed since Carlos, Pedro and Tomas Stefan made a... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    It is probable that all through those early years Ambrose's father had been charming his son's heart, drawing him forth from the gehenna-valley of this life into which he had fallen, as one draws forth a beast that has fallen into some deep and... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    Bolkarus Station: the Junkyard Dog’s last chance to make the dangerous rendezvous with Slade and hand over the precious and highly illegal Rose Sunstones. Bolkarus Station: an ugly refinery and refueling planet, a place no one in their right mind... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    The Almost Kiss, set in modern Nigeria, narrates the story of Chioma Okafor who is pressured by her over-ambitious mother into an unwanted romantic relationship with Uche, a young, sophisticated university lecturer. Chioma yields to her mother's... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    Quentin Massys is one of the main figures of the early Flemish school in Antwerp. The artist was born in Leuven, where he received his initial education, probably started his career as a member of the blacksmith guild there, and then switched to... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    There are dreadful -- perhaps scurrilous -- rumors about the Borgias of renaissance Italy, and here Dumas, author of such classics as THE THREE MUSKETEERS, in his Celebrated Crimes series, dishes up the dirt in all its ugly glory. This book was not... (więcej)

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