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  • od 28.40zobacz oferty z 1 księgarni - premiera: 2022-04-25
    Są miejsca, które przyciągają dobro i zło.Fascynują swoim urokiem, ale rodzą lęki, strach i marzenia.Ich mieszkańcy zmagają się z przeszłością, a duchy nie potrafią stamtąd odejść.Tam prawda miesza się ze zmyśleniem, a historia z... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    The seventh edition of "Voices of Memory" about Sinti and Roma in Auschwitz. The Gypsy "family camp" ("Zigeunerlager") was established in February 1943 in Birkenau. A total of 21 thousand Gypsy prisoners were registered there. The "Gypsy camp" was... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert - premiera: 2019-01-23
    • Ponad 400 dialogów z kluczem, zaczerpniętych z życia codziennego (praca, dom, lotnisko) • Wszystkie angielskie czasy w szerokiej palecie ciekawych kontekstów • Czasowniki, trudniejsze słowa i zwroty podane w... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    From 1839 to 1841, Dumas, with the assistance of several friends, compiled Celebrated Crimes, an eight-volume collection of essays on famous criminals and crimes from European history. He featured Beatrice Cenci, Martin Guerre, Cesare and Lucrezia... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    It was in the year 1119, the twentieth of the Christian dominion in Syria, that nine pious and valiant Knights, the greater part of whom had been the companions of Godfrey de Bouillon, formed themselves into an association, the object of which was... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    It was a sultry summer night of the year five hundred and twenty-six, A.D.Thick clouds lay low over the dark surface of the Adrea, whose shores and waters were melted together in undistinguishable gloom; only now and then a flash of distant... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    Ever since 1759, when Voltaire wrote "Candide" in ridicule of the notion that this is the best of all possible worlds, this world has been a gayer place for readers. Voltaire wrote it in three days, and five or six generations have found that its... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    Anne Shirley was curled up on the window-seat of Theodora Dix’s sitting-room one Saturday evening, looking dreamily afar at some fair starland beyond the hills of sunset. Anne was visiting for a fortnight of her vacation at Echo Lodge, where Mr.... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    Mr. William Hyde was discharged from Deer Lodge Penitentiary a changed man. That was quite in line with the accepted theory of criminal jurisprudence, the warden's discipline, and the chaplain's prayers. Yes, Mr. Hyde was changed, and the change had... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    Among the strange mysterious beings, with which the eighteenth century was so richly dowered, no one has commanded more universal comment and attention than the mystic who was known by the name of the Comte de St. Germain. A hero of romance; a... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    Wanna Read But Not Enough Time?Then, grab a SpeedyReads of The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Now!Here's a sample of what you'll see in this book:PROLOGUEWe are introduced to Lisa Allen, a participant in a scientific study centering on how... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    A well-researched book detailing the life and crimes of criminals who were all, in a way, small criminals, but each remarkable in his or her own way.They were not all remarkable as criminals, but their life stories are remarkable, and some of them... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    Me Habirut Mahabharata Part I is a thrilling journey to the past, starting with the civilization of Mesopotamia and Sumerian tradition with mysterious Annunnaki and giants. Who were Anunnaki and Sumerians? Who were Ancient Egyptians? What language... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    Her closest friends didn't know she was dead.Until they saw the full page ad in the paper advertising her funeral.They mystery was in how she died. No corpse, just an urn filled with ashes that was distributed over the harbor without any witnesses.... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    It started with a dream. In it, John Earl Stark solved the problem of a ghost he met. Or did he? It was a dream, after all.The next day he meets two women who visit his cabin, arriving out of the blue, literally. (Well, one arrived with pitched... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    In the period I have chosen to bring before the reader, civilization was on the decline, and progress imperceptible, but the germs of a riper growth were still existent, concealed within the spreading darkness of medievalism. When Grecian science... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    To those who have no more than a general idea of the history of Rome, the name Augustus, or even Octavian, conveys little more than the memory of a man who followed Julius Caesar, who won the battle of Actium against Mark Antony, and who was the... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    On a certain bitter December evening, when the present century was several years younger than it is now, Miss Pengarvon, of Broome, in the shire of Derby, sat in the Green Parlor at the Hall, working by candle-light at some piece of delicate... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    In the darksome depths of a thick forest lived Kalyb the fell enchantress. Terrible were her deeds, and few there were who had the hardihood to sound the brazen trumpet which hung over the iron gate that barred the way to the Abode of Witchcraft.... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    NO PRESIDENTS, NO GOVERNMENTS, NO CENTRAL BANKS! None of the prophets tried to convince their people to believe in God’s existence. What they really did was trying to convince them, not to be slaves of anybody other than God. God was the only king... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    The ninth and tenth centuries were a period of new development and great changes within the Scandinavian countries. The Viking expeditions brought a large part of the population into direct contact with war and battle, while the former petty kings... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    The adventures of the Ghost Hunters continue - with more exotic locations and hair-raising paranormal adventures than ever before:  - Visiting a haunted planet where the normal is falling between two worlds, while John winds up solving being in a... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    Some of the letters published in this volume were first published by the Society for Contemporary American Literature in German (SCALG) and were very well received in the US. In 2010 they were published in book form in Germany for the first time.... (więcej)
  •   Brak ofert
    The meteor talked to Tig as he watched it land. Meteors came now and then. But never one that screamed like it was afraid of landing.  All he wanted to do was to make sure his pack was safe against the fire from the sky. But the meteor had called... (więcej)
  • PCC
      Brak ofert
    FROM THE WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER All prospects lie, all the time. Never ask for the order. Get an I.O.U. for everything you do. Don t spill your candy in the lobby. Until now, these unique rules (and 45 more) were given out only to Sandler... (więcej)

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