Autor: Henry James

Znaleziono: 152 e-booków
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  • od 40.00 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2013-05-24
    Jedna z najlepszych powieści Henry`ego Jamesa wreszcie w języku polskim. Maggie Verver, młoda dziedziczka milionowej fortuny oraz jej owdowiały ojciec Adam, znany kolekcjoner dzieł sztuki, wiodą wykwintne, dostatnie życie w Londynie. Oboje... (więcej)
  • od 40.00 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2013-08-09
    Pierwsze polskie wydanie!  Akcja powieści toczy się w londyńskich salonach i pełnych przepychu pałacach Wenecji. Kate Croy i Merton Densher to para londyńskich narzeczonych, którzy za wszelką cenę chcą się pobrać, ale nie mają... (więcej)
  • od 19.04 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2013-06-05
    „Daisy Miller”, „Wychowanek”, „Łgarz” i „Bestia w dżungli” to cztery spośród ponad stu opowiadań w bogatym dorobku autora. Każde z nich to świat w miniaturze i literackie arcydzieło. Daisy Miller, jedna z... (więcej)
  • od 25.76 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2013-05-24
    Amerykanin w Paryżu! według Henry`ego Jamesa. Paryż – symbol cywilizacji, sztuki, miłości i dekadencji, miejsce, gdzie normy moralne pękają jak bańka mydlana, i Ameryka – purytańska, praktyczna i na swój sposób niewinna. Henry... (więcej)
  • od 27.93 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2014-06-14
    Po raz pierwszy w Polsce! Jedna z najbardziej prowokacyjnych i fascynujących powieści Henry’ego Jamesa. Basil Ransom, młody, konserwatywny prawnik z Missisipi, przyjeżdża w odwiedziny do swojej dalekiej kuzynki Olive, zamieszkałej w... (więcej)
  • od 19.04 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2015-06-01
    Henry James konfrontuje nowoczesnych, swobodnych obyczajowo Europejczyków z pozornie prowincjonalnymi, purytańskimi Amerykanami. Zderza dwie odmienne kultury, obserwując przy tym, czy w podobnym połączeniu można odnaleźć szczęście.... (więcej)
  • od 40.00 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2017-03-14
    Henry James wymyślił postać Hiacynta Robinsona, „małego, aroganckiego poszukiwacza przygód, obdarzonego jednocześnie delikatnością”, spacerując ulicami Londynu. Mimo wychowania w biedzie bohater wykształcił w sobie gust estetyczny,... (więcej)
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2019-11-08
    Isabel, the main character of the story, knows the charm of marriage with a worthless person. Her fate the confluence of fatal circumstances. Being a dowry and finding herself in Europe, she refuses to quite worthy applicants for a hand, and having... (więcej)
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2019-11-08
    In this story, a mother allows her only child, a seven-year-old boy, to die of diphtheria only so that he will never be subjected to the corrupting influence of the books written by his father, which she deeply condemns. Anyone who imagines motherly... (więcej)
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2019-11-08
    At the reception in the rich manor there are not the first youth mister and also not a young lady anymore. Both belong to the same circle of birth, but the financial affairs of a man are in somewhat better condition. It all seems to him that he is... (więcej)
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert
    Mississippi lawyer and Civil War veteran, Basil Ransom, visits his cousin Olive Chancellor in Boston. She takes him to a political meeting where Verena Tarrant delivers a feminist speech. Ransom, a strong conservative, is annoyed by the speech but... (więcej)
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2019-11-08
    The story of a glorious American who, through hard work, made a fortune and went to learn how to relax and laze in the open spaces of the Old World. In particular, he came to Paris, and this city, as is known, is a rather romantic place, according... (więcej)
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2019-11-08
    The Aspern Papers is one of the masterpieces of the writers small prose, the plots of which are based on the collision of European and American cultural consciousness, the point of view of an individual and social stereotypes, the book perception of... (więcej)
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2019-11-08
    The Aawkward age nonetheless analyzes the English character with great subtlety. The Awkward Age, which is highly praised for its natural dialogue and the subtlety of the sensation that it conveys, illustrates Conrads remark that James never dwells... (więcej)
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2019-11-08
    It only seems in the book that people can always deceive themselves, and life cannot be regulated on the scientific principles that fall on Gordons shoulders as the main character. Crazy scientist Gordon Wright calls Longville in Baden-Baden to... (więcej)
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2019-11-08
    In the hope of a successful marriage, Eugene, Baroness Münster, and her younger brother, the artist Felix, descendants of Wentworth, come to Boston. Having settled in the neighborhood, they become close friends with the young Wentworths Gertrude,... (więcej)
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2019-11-08
    This is the biography of Henry Morgan, the pirate admiral. In his youth, he spent several years in slavery, later became famous as a skilled warlord and vice-governor of Jamaica. The central theme of the novel ingenious assault, lightning capture... (więcej)
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2019-11-08
    The Tragic Muse is dedicated to the conflict between the artist and society. Painter Nick Dormer suffers because he does not find recognition, actress Miriam Ruth, in the name of success, makes compromises with his conscience, understanding what the... (więcej)
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2019-11-08
    The image of a young American woman is central to the story Madame de Mauves, which prefaces the Portrait of a Woman. Deceived by the wife of an impoverished French aristocrat who married her for her wealth, she won a moral victory over him,... (więcej)
  • dziś najtaniej - od 5.48 Brak ofert - premiera: 2019-11-08
    The Finer Grain a collection of small stories. The A Round of Visits is a thoughtful tragedy that triggered the opening of Watch and Trusteeship. The Bench of Desolation, located in an English seaside town, is a touching story of reconciliation... (więcej)
  • dziś najtaniej - od 5.48 Brak ofert - premiera: 2019-11-08
    The main character had some rivalry with the main character had some kind of rivalry with George Korvikm. He did more things than the main character, and earned more pence, although there were chances for ingenuity. The main character was crazy... (więcej)
  • od 5.48 zł Brak ofert - premiera: 2019-11-08
    Some Stories by Henry James is a small collection of tales. The best story is considered Brooksmith, about a butler who descends into the depths when the master dies, whom he apparently forced to serve. After that, The Real Thing is published about... (więcej)

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