Autor: Xury Greer

Znaleziono: 2 e-booków
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  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 99.90 zobacz oferty z 2 księgarni - premiera: 2020-05-29
    Get up and running with Blender 3D through a series of practical projects that will help you learn core concepts of 3D design like modeling, sculpting, materials, textures, lighting, and rigging using the latest features of Blender 2.83 Key Features... (więcej)
  • najtaniej w ciągu 30 dni - od 129.00 zobacz oferty z 2 księgarni - premiera: 2022-01-28
    Sculpting the Blender Way is a detailed step-by-step guide for creating digital art with the latest Blender 3D sculpting features. With over 400 reference images, 18 Sculpting in Action videos, and dozens of 3D sculpture example files, this book is... (więcej)

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