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  • od 29.27zobacz oferty z 12 księgarni - premiera: 2022-11-09
    Wciągająca książka Sophie Gonzales – bestsellerowej autorki „Perfect on paper”! Czasem miłość zostawia nas… prawie w totalnej rozsypce. Will to wymarzony chłopak – jest życzliwy, nie wstydzi się swoich... (więcej)
  • od 19.92zobacz oferty z 6 księgarni - premiera: 2024-04-01
    This old science fiction novel, Bridges, describes the Earth, largely devastated and devastated by terrible unrest in the solar system. The story tells about the adventures of seven people sailing in a wonderful airship of the future. There is a... (więcej)
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    Edward Richard Buxton Shanks (11 June 1892 – 4 May 1953) was an English writer, known as a war poet of World War I, then as an academic and journalist, and literary critic and biographer. He also wrote some science fiction. He was born in London,... (więcej)
  • od 33.94zobacz oferty z 13 księgarni - premiera: 2023-09-27
    Podczas reality show wszystko może się wydarzyć. Ale jedno jest pewne - nigdy, przenigdy nie wróci do swojego eks. Osiemnastoletnia Maya rozstała się z Jordym dwa lata temu. Została zdradzona i pozostawiona ze złamanym sercem. Gdy otrzymuje... (więcej)
  • Tadeusz Mazowiecki (1927–2013), pierwszy niekomunistyczny premier Polski po II wojnie światowej, był niewątpliwie ważną postacią polskiego życia publicznego drugiej połowy XX wieku. Powstała zatem inicjatywa przygotowania kilkutomowej... (więcej)
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    While the battle for the compensation of Thalidomide victims was raging in the 1970s, former Labour MP Jack Ashley asked in a parliamentary debate how Louise, then 11 years old, could look forward to 'laughing and loving with no hand to hold and no... (więcej)
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    THE history of western Europe in the seventeenth century is a history of wars. "Wars destroy the morals of mankind by habituating them to refer everything to force, and by necessitating them so often to dispense with the ordinary suggestions of... (więcej)
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    “The observation of shadows in any place in my mind is pivotal in this book. However, the way such shadows emerge with the light is even more important, permeating them and allowing them to be visible” explains the author. It is an illustrated... (więcej)
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    1843, a huge explosion devastated the star Eta Carinae generating a supernova, but, inexplicably still today, it survives the event (Eta Carinae - Source: Wikipedia). From that moment the population of planet Earth begins to increase... (więcej)
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    My father’s last words to me? ‘You’re out of control, Jan, heading towards a red light.’ What happens when you’re in the all the wrong places, with all the wrong people, making all the wrong choices? It may look like that from the... (więcej)
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    A Persevering Lady A Regency Novel At only seventeen and twelve summers respectively, Edward and Annalise fall in love before they even know what that word means. The time spent running through the Witherspoon Manor together, learning new things... (więcej)

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